Motorcycle Helmet Praying Mantis Shouldn't I Be Able To Decide For Myself Whether Or Not To Wear A Seatbelt Or Motorcycle Helmet?

Shouldn't I be able to decide for myself whether or not to wear a seatbelt or motorcycle helmet? - motorcycle helmet praying mantis

I know that if you are injured and need hospital care that our taxes will pay - but not reported at the expense of freedom?

If you do not want the government tells us to pray to God for our children, we want the government says it is time to seek medical care, like it or not?


NONAME said...

To answer your first question, yes, you should have the right to choose. The laws are there to protect me (a person against another person or acts of another), not to protect me protect. If we continue with the government to take away rights after a certain time, we have not. I now realize that wearing a helmet or seat belt, the most sensible thing to do something, but I have the right to decide for themselves. I do not need politicians to tell me what I do to secure.

J Q Public said...

Yes, I think, but I'm not the insurance lobby.

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