Hair Straightening Brush Is It Illegal To Put A Clip On Youtube While Straightening Your Hair In The Bathroom?

Is it illegal to put a clip on youtube while straightening your hair in the bathroom? - hair straightening brush

Okayy .. So my friend and I videos from YouTube. and recently we have told our parents to remove a video to B / C, we had a clip in the bathroom?

I have just set my hair, brushing my teeth and put on my eyeliner and mascara. I do not film scenes unsuitable.

Is it illegal to a clip of the film and put it on YouTube?


13thRowP... said...

After the clip on YouTube, because it is not offensive

if there is no nudity, if b ok. PPL can solve most of your hair and makeup in the bathroom.

It is not illegal and not against the rules.

I saw many girls vids fixing the hair in the bathroom

Perhaps the parents of the Uruguay Round are just shocked by the idea and did not know that it common practice. You are absolutely sure that they are not on that because of the suggestive behavior toward / nudity, then it must be good

have fun with ur vids
u can get wrong or stalkers, so be careful that u do not know who or where u do after the event. PPL does not cease to know the community, who are ur "U", if you see em, parents Tho respect ur so perhaps for this reason.

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